Typically I'm not a fan of new year's resolutions. They usually entail losing weight, quitting smoking, getting out of debt...You know, things that don't end up happening. That is why I have decided to come up with a list of things I can do to spend my free time wisely:
1. Cycling. Numero uno on my list, it helps me get in shape, explore the city, hang out with friends, and stay motivated. Eventually I intend to make my way to Santa Cruz with some stylin' bike shorts and a cycling jersey.
2. Baking. I only put baking after cycling for the mere reason that if I were to bake more than cycle, I would have to make a new year's resolution not to lose weight, but in fact, get huge. The amount I cook in general needs to increase, but I have a special fondness in my heart for baking. It makes me happy to share what I've created with others, and of course to devour it myself.
3. HTML. I figure HTML language & codes and whatever else you so choose to call it can't be that difficult. And since all I want to do with it is to make this blog look fancy, there's probably not much to learn. This should take up the majority of my time I spent on Facebook in the prior year.
4. Money. Spend it on goods which foster my sense of creativity and need for adventure. See above.
5. Cognition. Think before speaking. Speak what I mean.

4. Money. Spend it on goods which foster my sense of creativity and need for adventure. See above.
5. Cognition. Think before speaking. Speak what I mean.
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