Monday, June 1, 2009

oh that damn grass

That damn grass is always greener. I find myself dating people who are more sensitive (people to whom my heart is attracted), and this ends in disaster. Moody and depressed they find themselves and I can't stand it. Then, in the odd chance I find someone more logical and less driven by their emotions (people to whom my brain is attracted), I'm not happy because they're so out of tune with their emotions that they sure as hell can't read mine. Dating is a process where the relationship misfits are weeded out and the good ones are left, but when will these supposed good fits surface? I enjoy being alone, not having to answer to anyone, doing my own thing. Then loneliness sets in and I crave touch, comfort. That's what this is. This was. Who knows anymore. Didn't think you'd turn into one grade A goon. But I have a hunch you're just as confused as I.

1 comment:

  1. i agree ally with everything you wrote. when we're older we won't know the difference between our greatest lovers, and our greatest friends. balance. i miss you.
