Saturday, May 16, 2009


Before today there weren't any flowers in particular that really caught my fancy. My great-grandmother (Nana) and grandmother's (Nani) favorite flower is the calla lily, and my mom's is the purple iris. I don't really care for either of these, which eliminates that idea for a tattoo design. Upon Googling for a couple hours to avoid writing my papers, I realized that I love red, orange, yellow, and pink flowers.


peace rose

dandelion (photo by my awesome friend Elbert Park)

fuschia "ballet girl" (photo by yours truly)


  1. I LOVE ranunculus. I almost bought some today on 24th St., but thought they might wilt before I got home. All the others you show here are beautiful too.

  2. that is a beautiful shot allyson! hope your grandma's doing well.
