Tuesday, March 24, 2009

new plan

Meet rich man, get engaged to rich man, register for every item in Martha's kitchen collection at Macy's for the wedding, marry, divorce, and collect fully stocked kitchen in divorce settlement. Hey, what's a poor social worker to do?

Today I went to Macy's to decide which KitchenAid mixer to buy. As I went about gazing at all the wonderful colors such as majestic yellow and pistachio, I noticed a guy, perhaps around 25 years old, looking at them as well. He was inspecting the Artisans for a while and then headed over to the Epicureans. I figured we shared a common fondness for these mixers, so I said to him, "Are you as in love with these things as I am?," to which he responded in a thick German accent, "These are just for the ladies." On his heel, he turned around and left the KitchenAid section. How awkward.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHA. We're SUCH nerds.
    Dude, that guy sucks. Whatever.
    You know though- YourBazaar.
