Tuesday, August 18, 2009

that feeling

Today has been going exceptionally well. Almost too well. Makes me worry a bit. Head to the SPCA with Brooke to find the feline of my dreams. A cute tabby was adopted from under my nose, so we walk all of one block to Animal Care & Control. Here is where I found her. Lazily sleeping in her cage, only to awaken when I walk up and affectionately call her "poo." Take her into the visiting room. She's perfect. Immediately hangs out with Brooke and I, not afraid to climb up and down our legs like the rad kitten she is. She melts our hearts; I know she's the one. Fill out paperwork and pay the adoption fee. My new bundle of joy has to be spayed, which means another couple day's stay in the shelter. Lady kitty castration. Poor thing. Kiss her goodbye and walk to Atlas cafe for lunch and discussion of new friend with amazing, kitten-aunt friend. Yam sandwich is yum yum yummy. We part ways, I shop in Thrift Town. Immediately find shoes I've been looking for, and basket I've been needing for new friend's lazy days bed. Saw this craft on Martha's website. We're so tight now that she allows me to refer to her as Martha. That tight. Walk out and run into Nicki and friends. Good day gets better. Say goodbye, grab craft items from fabric store, and head home. Talk with the ex. Sporadic updates are awesome. Now at home nesting for new feline lady friend and watching L&O. Or maybe Dead Like Me. I haven't decided. Got all evening to myself. I need, no, I crave these nights. Things going well, one after another. That's a damn good feeling.

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