I used to like Fat Tire, a lot. Other people used to tell me they didn't like it, but I didn't care because I did. Turns out they have better taste in beer than I. Now Fat Tire tastes too watery for me, and I noticed this when I drank one the other night after having it in the fridge for a few days. The temperature can really change what you think of a beer...duh! This brings me to my next venture, aside from cake baking, bike riding, and never-ending organizing: a beer hunt. This will involve purchasing a different type of beer each time I get a six-pack, which has been my new favorite thing to do lately, in the hope of finding that perfect beer. I've finally boarded the beer-bellied couch potato/Mission hipster boat! This calls for a celebratory beer! Too late!

I really like Edmund Fiztgerald by Great Lakes Brewery but I don't know if if they have that in the west coast. Brekenridge 471 small batch ipa is one amazing beer but hella expensive. Bell's two hearted ale is also killer.